Wednesday 31 March 2010

29/03 Lord won’t you buy me a Mercedes Benz

Mrs B has to work so Mr B takes me on a trip around the area. First stop is the Merc garage as the hood and the electrics on his CLK have stopped working. This means a 40 minute drive to the garage in sporadic showers (yes, the weather has followed me down here but least there are sunny intervals) with the top down (the car’s). I have to put the umbrella up at one stage, and I must like a right dipshit sitting in the front of a car with an umbrella. As it turns out, the reason the electrics are not working is because someone, who shall remain nameless, has not put the batteries in the remote in properly.....

Our next pit stop is lunch just before Monteville overlooking the countryside and the sea in the distance: it is all rather pleasant even though lunch is interrupted by heavy showers. Apparently, this area is the wedding capital of Queensland but I don’t read too much into this and besides, there is something in the air that brings on my hay fever so it is highly unlikely that I will be settling here!

I have a look around Monteville and it’s expensive shops and art galleries whilst B sits on a bench and has a smoko, before we head back to the ranch to see Mrs B who is now back from work. It has been a fantastic day and I’m glad that my plans were changed so that it meant that I was able to fit in a visit.

p.s the reason I had my photo taken outside Hilltop Toes is that my paternal grandparents' farm in South Wales was called Hilltop.

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